2019 Activity

Feeling the need to sensitize all educators, aseminar on Emerging Careers and Career Counseling Labs for Principals and counsellors organized by Nagpur Sahodaya Schools Complex (NSSC) was recently held at G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur. The programme began with the lighting of the lamp. The Resource Person for the workshop was Mr Ganesh Kohli, founder IC3 Movement, a teacher and counsellor. Mrs Jayshree Bhake, Director and Principal of Raisoni Vidyaniketan welcomed the dignitaries which included Mr Ganesh Kohli, and the Senior Nagpur Educationists Mrs.Neeru Kapai (Director, Modern School) and Mrs. Mukta Chatterjee (Executive Director, Centre Point group of schools). Mrs. Reena Dargan, Chairperson NSSC & Mrs. Bharti Bijwe Vice Chairperson NSSC were also present for the session. Mrs. Anuradha Sardeshpande, Joint Secretary NSSC introduced the keynote speaker. 

The resource person in his address emphasized the fact that due to fast emerging careers, setting career counselling labs have become a critical social need. This will help the students to choose the best suited course and college and be able to achieve professionally and stay happy and contented. He further impacted his talk by humbly urging the Pedagogical leaders not to see competition but competence in their students and be the guiding light as soul teachers who are also nation builders and playing their role beyond academic delivery.

Since it’s all about catching them young, schools need to start providing an insight on emerging careers with students from std. 7 onwards. The session was well attended by the academicians who were curious enough for the take away of this knowledge and eagerly participated during the sessions. Mrs.SumathiVenugopalan, Treasurer, NSSC, proposed the vote of thanks while Mrs. Noopur Jadhav anchored the proceedings of the event.