2021 Activity

Glimpses of Training on MCQs at Chandrapur
Nagpur Sahodaya Schools Complex hosted a capacity building session for the teachers of secondary schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi recently.

In order to equip the teaching fraternity with the understanding and skills for imparting the competency based education envisioned under the National Education Policy, the said training was organized following the Covid 19 protocols at 17 different schools across Nagpur, Chandrapur and Amravati on the same day with the involvement of 17 Resource persons and 14 observers. 
The session covered the teacher's training for subject specific MCQs at a massive scale for the professional development of the teachers hailing from the district of Nagpur, Amravati, Chandrapur, Wardha, Yawatmal, Gadchiroli, Akola, Washim Buldhana, Gondia and Bhandara.

A total of 744 teachers across these districts were provided hand holding to prepare MCQ type questions for the subjects taught in the CBSE schools that included English, Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Maths, Science and Social science.
The goal of the given training was to help teachers understand the nature of the upcoming grade X board examination as per the pattern announced by the board and making the students confident to face the examination in a physical mode after the long gap in physical schooling due to the unprecedented times of pandemic.
The given training also helped the teachers complete the necessary professional development requirement mandated by CBSE. 

The sucess in accomplishing this one day capacity building program is credited to the efforts of the office bearers of Nagpur Sahodaya Schools Complex that comprises of Mrs Bharti Bijwe Chairperson, Mrs Shilpee Ganguly and Mr S N Sahu, Vice Chairpersons, Mrs Vandana Bisen Secretary, Mrs Pallavi Chakkilala Joint Secretary, Father Joseph Koovely Treasurer, Ms Rupali Dey Joint Treasurer, Additional Secretaries -Mr Rajesh Sharma from Chandrapur & Gadchiroli, Mr Suresh Lakade from Amravati, Ms Apurva Pande from Wardha, Mr Jacob Das from Yawatmal and Mr Anil Kumar from Gondia, Bhandara.