2024 Activity

Meet and Greet 2024

Date 23rd Oct 2024

Nagpur Sahodaya schools complex hosted the “Meet and Greet 2024 “session for the member schools on 23rd October at St. Vincent Palloti School Besa Nagpur . Resource person Mr Sunil Dhapte, one of the certified trainer from Indian Secretariat Training and Management New Delhi, addressed the gathering on the theme, “Making of a Human - Going Beyond the Role”. The session also focused on the preliminary concept and prerequisite understanding on “Holistic Progress card” to make the congregation aware of the 360 degrees approach towards the pupil’s assessment as advocated by National Education Policy.

Hon Trustees Mrs Annapoorni Shashtri and Mrs Neeru Kapai also graced the occasion. 

Joint Treasurer Ms Rupali Dey introduced the dignitaries and Vice Chairperson Mrs Shilpee Ganguly felicitated them with a token of respect. 

Chairperson Mrs Bharti Bijve presented the annual report. 

The programme was compered by the Secretary Mrs Vandana Bisen and a formal vote of thanks was proposed by Joint Secretary Mrs Pallavi Chakkilala. 
Overall management of the programme was coordinated by the Treasurer Father Joseph Koovely. The programme was a success with the efforts taken by the office bearers of Nagpur Sahodaya that included Vice Chairperson KN Sahu, and the Additional secretaries Mr Rajesh Jain, Ms Apurva Pande, Mr Jacob Das and Mr Suresh Lakde who contributed for the success of the programme.

Skill Education Workshop in collaboration with Institutions of Higher Education 2023-24
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Nagpur Sahodaya Schools Complex initiated one day skill education workshop in collaboration with Institutions of higher education in Nagpur with an objective to make students aware about vocational skill based, technology oriented courses to be future ready.

The partnered institutions were inclusive of Ramdeo Baba College of Engineering and Management, St Vincent Palloti College of Engineering, Raisoni College of Engineering. 

The one day skill based experiential learning workshop was executed for grade IX students of the member schools of Nagpur Sahodaya.

The subjects covered for this learning beyond traditional classroom included artificial intelligence, Machine learning, coding, Mechatronics, Automations, robotics and 3D Printing as per the choice of enrollment from member schools / students.

The office bearers extended gratitude towards the educational institutions and member schools for supporting this initiative for the cause of students and quality education.


Nagpur Sahodaya schools Complex hosted a Meet and Greet session including a visit to Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan's sanskruti Kendra Nagpur to promote awareness on the Indian culture and Historical heritage.